No one likes a slow smartphone. When smartphone performance is lacking, performing the simplest tasks like sending an email, text or taking a picture can seem overly difficult.
If your smartphone seems to be lagging behind everyone else, use the following tips to improve its performance.
Remove Apps you don’t Use
An overabundance of apps is one of the most common issues that cause slow phone performance.
Simply delete those apps that you don’t use. If you own an iPhone, the apps will still be stored in the cloud just in case you ever have a use for them again.
Regularly Update your Apps
Updating your apps is easy as one tap of a button. Make sure your apps are up to date at all times. New app releases almost always include developer bug fixes and improvements to the overall performance of the app.
Use Fewer widgets
Widgets are attractive and provide easy access to your apps. Having too many widgets on an Android device can lead to slower smartphone performance.
You can delete some of your less used widgets without deleting the app itself.
Don’t Use Live Wallpapers
Live Wallpapers are such cool features. The downside of enjoying them is that they need more CPU cycles to run. More CPU cycles lead to slower processing time and faster battery drain.
Avoid these types of wallpapers if you’re looking to maximize performance.
Perform Research on your Device
Knowing your device is the best deterrent against slow smartphone performance. Immediately following the purchase of a new device, do research about the operating system, what apps might come factory installed with the phone that you won’t need, and what type of high-speed memory card you can purchase to increase your smartphone’s processing power.
Smartphones are essentially small computers. Treat it as you would a desktop or laptop by always updating the software in a timely manner and avoid unnecessary app usage.
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